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Hurts. Habits. Hangups.
We all have them and that's why we created Restoration Fellowship, a unique worship experience offered on Saturday evenings at Messiah. This is a place where you can come as you are, get filled up, and feel understood.
Hope. Healing. Growth.
Restoration Fellowship has one rule: No judgment. This is an environment that is free from judgment and full of God’s love, no matter what your past, present or future looks like, no matter who you are, what you’ve done, what your experience has been or hasn’t been with God or at church.
What to Expect
This Bible Study is for anyone interested in learning more about God's Word. Come as you are, with whatever knowledge you have of Scripture, whether this is your first time opening a Bible or you've been reading it for your whole life, you are welcome at THIS Bible Study. Dinner is served at 5:15pm followed by worship at 6pm.

Donate Time
There are many opportunities to volunteer at Restoration Fellowship.
There are different volunteer teams at RF including a set up/tear down crew, kitchen crew, Hope Garden Team (childcare), Worship Team, and Tech Crew.
If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved with a Restoration Fellowship please contact us at 989-631-5200 and we would be happy to walk you through next steps!
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